Tar Heel Branch e-Newsletter v2009.03
The third issue of the AAUW Tar Heel Branch newsletter –Equal Pay Day notes, suggestions for Mother’s Day gifts, and more …
The third issue of the AAUW Tar Heel Branch newsletter –Equal Pay Day notes, suggestions for Mother’s Day gifts, and more …
>The Chapel Hill branch sponsored a STEM (science, technology, engineering, and math) program, called SPARC, in the fall of 2008. This is a report on that project.
AAUW has named Sue Metz of Greensboro as the new liaison for North Carolina for the National Girls Collaborative Project.
Here is the April, 2009 issue of the
AAUW Winston-Salem newsletter
Information on the current events of the Jacksonville Regional branch.
Recent AAUW NC news
Time to write/call your legislators about the Healthy Youth Act, H88.
On Friday, April 3, contacts from campuses across the state gathered at the UNC Chapel Hill Friday Center to hear about options for connecting AAUW to their campuses.
At the AAUW NC Convention in Wilmington, a decision was made to offer $250 from the state funds to each branch to help defray the cost of expenses of branch delegates for the Convention in St. Louis in June.
A presentation giving an overview of the AAUW fellowships and grants.