AAUW Leaders Deliver Petition to Governor 2013
AAUW NC President Mary Peterson delivered a petition with more than 500 names asking the Governor to veto any additional restrictions on abortion.
AAUW NC President Mary Peterson delivered a petition with more than 500 names asking the Governor to veto any additional restrictions on abortion.
Nearly 500 AAUW members and allies signed the following online petition in July of 2013, opposing a variety of bills (including HB695, SB353) as the restrictions on access to abortion made their way through the legislature: Dear Governor McCrory, We join with the American Association of University Women (AAUW) of North Carolina in urging you…
AAUW NC members have arrived in New Orleans for the 2013 national convention. Watch this space — or the links in the message — for reports from the convention!
The latest issue of the publication mailed to all AAUW branch members in North Carolina.
President: JoAnn Hall (coachjo@embarqmail.com) VP Branch Communications: Connie Gamble Ochse (cgo@ec.rr.com) President’s Message Greetings Members! I hope that this finds each of you enjoying good health and the warmer (?) weather. I am looking forward to seeing you on Sunday at our annual luncheon meeting. Remember that you can pay your 2013-2014 membership dues at…
President’s Message AAUW NC Annual Meeting Highlights A. 15 branches in attendance, 3 fellows, 2 Jacksonville attendees – JoAnn and Connie B. Amendments to by-laws: 1) President and Branch Advocate elected in odd years, Vice-president and Treasurer elected in even years; 2) nominating committee will be eliminated and those duties will be handled by the…
The upcoming Tar Heel News will have more information on the April annual meeting of AAUW NC, but here are some of the documents from that meeting.
Here is the text of a resolution that will be brought before the meeting for a vote on Saturday, Apr. 13
Links to AAUW NC resources about actions taken in the NC General Assembly in the 2013 session.
Information on S 236, “Counties Responsible for School Construction”.