July 2014 President’s eNewsletter
Quick update from AAUW NC president as we start the 2014-2015 AAUW year.
Quick update from AAUW NC president as we start the 2014-2015 AAUW year.
President Mary Peterson, (252) 636-5074, mapeterson2@yahoo.com Finance/Treasurer Denny McGuire, (919) 562-0860, jmcguire11@nc.rr.com VP/ Branch Advocate Sandra McLaurin, (910) 392-0395, scmclaurin@ec.rr.com VP/Communications Karla Atkinson, (828) 884-7648, bardofb@comporium.net Bylaws Committee Chair Lill Van Order, (910) 313-1573, lillvo@earthlink.net Public Policy Team Mary Peterson, Karla Atkinson, Judy Balsanek, Suzanne Rolland, Mari Pino del Rosario, Maggie Parish. Webmaster Nancy Shoemaker,…
Here’s the Spring/Summer issue of the AAUW NC newsletter, the Tar Heel News: Tar Heel News, June 2014 Note that where this says that members should have received an e-newsletter mailing before receiving this edition of the USMail newsletter, circumstances intervened and that first mailing via Salsa has not gone out as of July 1,…