President’s September 2015 letter to the branches
The first e-letter of the 2015-2016 year.
The first e-letter of the 2015-2016 year.
The Fall 2015 issue of the AAUW NC newsletter, the Tar Heel News.
The first e-letter of the 2015-2016 year.
Notes by Nancy in response to a question about whether AAUW NC (or its branches) could/should join additional coalitions. A bit of history here is that AAUW NC hasn’t typically put its name on lists of coalition members unless – we’ve been asked to join or a member has a burning passion about the organization…
A “surprise” part of the AAUW NC 2015 annual meeting was a campaign to honor our outgoing president, Mary Peterson. We did a special fundraising campaign for the Ann Chipley AAUW American Fellowship endowment, choosing that fund since Mary had been a colleague of Ann’s when she lived in Maryland and Ann was on the…
AAUW members joined others in DC on April 23 to lobby for the Education and Secondary Education Act, aka “Every Child Succeeds Act”.
This note to the branches includes key info on events on April 21 and April 28.
The Spring/Summer 2015 issue of the AAUW NC newsletter, the Tar Heel News.
AAUW NC supports a project at UNC Chapel Hill to prevent and end interpersonal violence on campus and in the community.
Update on the food choices at the 2015 annual meeting in Greensboro.