2016 Annual Meeting Summary
[registered form=3 view=summary ] List of those registered
[registered form=3 view=summary ] List of those registered
[registered form=3 view=names ] NOTE: Click a column heading to sort the results by that column. Summary
Each attendee must register using one of the following to let us know their information: Online Paper (mail to address on the form) However, if you are a branch treasurer making payments for those who have already registered a member who has registered but who is making changes you may use this page to…
The 2016 AAUW NC Annual Meeting will include a workshop on recruiting and retaining members. The following resources from the national webssite are good references for those wishing to prepare before the meeting and for those who aren’t able to join us in Chapel Hill. Membership Retention http://www.aauw.org/resource/how-to-retain-members/ http://www.aauw.org/resource/membership-tips-and-tools-recruitment-and-retention/ Inclusion and Diversity http://www.aauw.org/resource/diversity-and-inclusion-tool-kit/ Social Media…
Updates from the AAUW NC co-presidents to the branches.