Documents for 2018 annual meeting
Initial list of documents that will affect the 2018 annual meeting of AAUW NC.
Initial list of documents that will affect the 2018 annual meeting of AAUW NC.
AAUW of North Carolina will host allies from around the state at its annual conference: Friday-Saturday, March 23-24, 2018 The Hawthorne Inn and Conference Center, Winston-Salem More info: Event flyer. Newsletter with agenda, registration form, hotel info and more Registration form PDF version (for reference only) Online version (no longer available)
AAUW NC Board Meeting Minutes MINUTES: Friday, November 3, 2017 at 2:30 pm Location: Community Foundation of Greater Greensboro, NC Members Present: Cheryl Wheaton and Jane Terwillegar, Co-Presidents, Denny McGuire, Advocacy Co-Chair; Laura Garmendia, Advocacy Co-Chair; Diane Schneider, Branch Advocate; Nancy Shoemaker, Communications Chair; Kathy Pearre, Annual Meeting Coordinator; Debra Richardson- Secretary Excused: Peg Holmes…
Ali Standish’s book, The Ethan I Was Before has been chosen as the winner of the 2017 AAUW NC Young People’s Literature Award.
AAUW salary negotiation workshops are a proven way to fight the gender pay gap. Learn about special support for workshops in NC.
The Fall 2017 Edition of AAUW’s booklet with everything you need to know about the Gender Pay Gap is now available.
As we near the 100th anniversary of US women’s right to vote, there are many other cases where equality will only be realized with help of the Equal Rights Amendment. AAUW NC joins in encouraging the NC legislature to approve the amendment.
Plans are underway for new initiatives for AAUW NC in 2017-2018. Watch for the announcement of a schedule for regional meetings to share ideas with branches near you and with the state board.
Minutes of: AAUW North Carolina Board Retreat Date: Friday, July 21, 2017 @ 11:00 a.m. – Community Foundation of Greater Greensboro (CFGG) Members Present: Cheryl Wheaton, Co-President; Jane Terwillegar, Co-President; JoAnn Hall, Treasurer; Denny McGuire, Advocacy Co-Chair; Laura Garmendia, Advocacy Co-Chair; Diane Schneider, Branch Advocate; Nancy Shoemaker, Communications Chair; Kathy Pearre, Annual Meeting Coordinator; Libby…
Are there AAUW members near you who aren’t members of your branch? Check this list for a summary of the numbers.