AAUW NC is encouraging women across America to help make July 4th a celebration for ending discrimination against women by mailing a flyer supporting ERA to each of our Senators.
It is shocking that in 2020, as we celebrate America’s independence, women are still struggling with discrimination. Women’s rights are NOT included in the US Constitution. While this year, we celebrate the 100th Anniversary of the Woman’s RIGHT TO VOTE, we also need to make it the year we end discrimination against women in America!
What would be more fitting than to have the burdens/limitations of discrimination against women removed on the same day as America declared its independence from England? The colonist were being discriminated against by the English, and so are American women by not having this protection written into our country’s constitution. In August, women will be celebrating the 100th anniversary of achieving the ‘Right To Vote’. Wouldn’t this be an even greater celebration for women if they could also be free from discrimination and protected by the constitution?
By actually mailing a flyer to each of the NC Senators, the US postage system would also be utilized. At this time, there is a strong push to dismantle the US Post Office. AAUW NC members can further show their support by downloading the flyers in the attached link and mailing them to either their Washington offices and/or their hometown offices of Senators Burr and Tillis.
Senator Richard Burr
217 Russell Senate Office Building
Washington, DC 20510
Senator Richard Burr
2000 West First Street
Suite 508
Winston-Salem, NC 27104
Senator Thom Tillis
113 Dirksen Senate Office Building
Washington, DC 20510
Senator Thom Tillis
310 New Bern Avenue
Suite 122
Raleigh, NC 27601