AAUW NC Membership Categories

Community-based branch member

If you hold an associate or equivalent, baccalaureate or higher degree(s) and wish to connect with other AAUW members in your community, please contact the branch about how to join. The branch Membership Chair will help you become a member and introduce you to their local programs and their meeting schedule. All branch members in North Carolina are also members of AAUW and AAUW NC.

Tar Heel branch member (Virtual Branch)

If you are a graduate who does not live near one of our community branches, or, if a community-based branch does not fit your life, you are invited to join the Tar Heel branch. This is a virtual branch serving the entire state. Formed in the fall of 2008, this branch provides all the benefits of AAUW and AAUW NC membership, along with access to the roster of Tar Heel members. Many community-based members also keep a dual membership with the Tar Heel branch, since it provides access to leaders throughout the state that care about issues related to advancing equity for women and girls of North Carolina.

National AAUW membership only

If you have already joined AAUW through the national organization, expect to be contacted occasionally by AAUW NC as issues come up that need attention by everyone in our state that cares about AAUW goals of equity for women and girls. You are also invited to subscribe to our AAUW North Carolina, Connect e-newsletter.

Please do consider joining the virtual Tar Heel branch or your local community-based branch. As a person interested in AAUW’s goals, you will find there is more power when we are all working together on AAUW issues in our state and nationally.

National member & Lifetime - Honorary Lifetime member

The standard membership associates the member with National, State and Branch(es); this is referred to as a National Membership.

In addition, members can elect to pay for a Lifetime National membership that will eliminate the need to renew National dues annually; the cost may change based on National ByLaws.  Lifetime members will still need to pay State and Branch dues each year.  There is also a special membership category for members with a 50-year membership history: Honorary Lifetime Member; this membership type will eliminate further membership renewal obligations.

College/University partners

Degree granting institutions may join AAUW as College/University (C/U) Partners. That membership fee allows the institution to appoint two members of their staff or faculty as AAUW C/U representatives. These representatives receive all the benefits of AAUW national members and they may also choose to join a community-based branch and/or the Tar Heel virtual branch.

Colleges/Universities can use this link to join: https://my.aauw.org/collegeuniversitydirectory.

Student Affiliates

Students enrolled in a College/University Partner school may join AAUW. This is a free membership while an undergraduate, with one free year after graduation.


Students enrolled in Non-College/University Partner school may join AAUW at a reduced annual dues rate.