Thanks to all that brought and bought “baskets” to the convention. We have been doing this for years, but this year everyone seemed to put heart and soul into being creative and it paid off. We raise $1277 for various funds in AAUW.
This year we gave you in the branch the opportunity to decide where the money from your basket would go. Many seemed to get into the spirit of bidding and kept checking during the day, Saturday.
Evelyn Lynge also got us some mugs to sell for AAUW-NC and the money from those are included here as part of the silent auction, our thanks to Evelyn as well.
The breakdown is on the spreadsheet chart below. If you have questions or would like to have some input about next year’s fundraiser just send me an email. Again, AAUW-NC, EF and LAF thank you for your generosity and hard work.
Lill Van Order- AAUW-NC co chair of the Fundraising Team
Convention Silent Auction Fund Distribution and Credit

Branch EF LAF
Charlotte ERF AAUW-NC
Brevard 87
Chapel Hill 90
Charlotte 70
Gaston Regional 50
Greensboro 50
Greensboro 65
High Country 80
High Point 55
High Point 75
Jacksonville 30 30
Salisbury 75
Statesville 35 35
Twin Rivers 45
Wilmington 50
Winston- Salem 40
Winston- Salem 50 50
Winston- Salem 40 40
AAUW-NC * 135
Total 335 360 195 70 87 230

Grand total: 1277

* mug sale