The Greensboro branch local arrangements committee in consultation with the AAUW NC executive committee, has developed a budget for the 2008 convention.
It will be presented for approval (and amendment, if necessary) at the board meeting on Saturday morning, October 20.
Board members are asked to
- Review the proposed budget for 2008 Convention [10/21 update: This 10/7 budget was not actually the 10/10 version presented at the meeting. Apologies from your web manager. See the notes posted after the meeting for the correct version.]
- Compare it to the FY08 AAUW NC budget
- Contact Convention Chair Sue Mengert or AAUW NC Treasuer Mary Fran Schickedantz if there are questions. [See contact list for AAUW NC officers.]
- Prepare any suggestions for changes as motions to change this budget or adjust the budget for AAUW NC.
Note that
- The charges for simultaneous translation of the plenary sessions will be covered by AAUW NC (events)
- Expenses (meals, etc.) for workshop and plenary speakers will be covered by the Convention
- The costs of printing the convention program will be covered by AAUW NC (events)
- The costs of any handouts for convention/workshop attendees will be covered by AAUW NC (individual team budgets)
- As part of the mini-grant program, AAUW NC provides travel grants to branch members who need financial assistance with travel expenses or the registration fee
Please keep in mind that the Convention income comes from those attending the event, while the AAUW NC funds come from the dues of all of the members and any fundraising specifically for AAUW NC (e.g. the 100 Club). In recent years, the registration fee has increased so that the Convention generally “breaks even” or makes a small profit.This convention budget assumes only 55 people paying the full $40 registration fee. Increasing that number, bringing a carload from each branch, can significantly impact the convention’s “bottom line.” The local arrangements committee is being conservative in their estimates, and it is up to the other members of AAUW NC to increase attendance in order to recognize the $500 profit from the convention that is assumed in the AAUW NC budget.
AAUW NC has a strong reserve — the draft FY07 final report shows 6/30/07 assets of more than $27,000 — so that the risk involved in any team going “over budget” or the convention not making a profit is small. In principle, though, team leaders are asked to predict their expenses and request that the budget be adjusted to cover those expenses, to avoid any risk of ending up with unreimbursable expenses.