Bring a carload to Greensboro
Bring a carload is more than a slogan. The 2008 Convention is not “just for officers.” It’s for everyone. “Why,” you ask.
To get ideas from members of other branches.
To be energized and inspired about our Mission.
To hear and learn from dynamic, knowledgeable speakers.
To receive tools for personal development and leadership skills through the workshops.
To just plain socialize and enjoy each other’s company. (See Friday Options and Reception information on page ___.)
Just as “it takes a village to raise a child,” it takes EVERY Branch Member to work toward achieving our AAUW Mission.
Not a branch member? You’re welcome, too!
There’s a special deal for nonmembers attending the workshops and lunch – and even more savings if you join at the event. We hope you’ll make connections that can help us work together in the future.
Members-at-large and College/University representatives are very welcome! Come to network, come to learn, come to help advance the mission!