Congrats 2024-2025 NC Fellows & Grantees!


American Dissertation Fellowships 

Anderson-Al-WazniRecipient Name: Anderson Al Wazni
Degree Sought: Doctor of Social Work
Specialization/Project: Climate change, state fragility, and natural disaster response.
Institution: University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill (Chapel Hill-NC)





Recipient Name: Luz Robinson
Degree Sought: Doctorate
Specialization/Project: School Psychology
Institution: University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill (Chapel Hill-NC)




American Postdoctoral Research Leave Fellowships

Danielle PurifoyRecipient Name: Danielle Purifoy
Degree Sought: Post Doctorate
Specialization/Project: Black Geographies, Critical Political Geography, Critical Legal Geography
Institution: University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill (Chapel Hill-NC)




Petal SamuelRecipient Name: Petal Samuel
Degree Sought: Post Doctorate
Specialization/Project: Caribbean literary studies
Institution: University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill (Chapel Hill-NC)




Community Action Grants – One Year

Precious McKoyAward Project Lead: Precious McKoy

Primary Area of Expertise: Nonprofit Administration

Specialization: Youth development and mentoring

Project Name: SHIELD QuantumForce Eagles Robotics Team

Shield Mentor ProgramProject Bio: Precious McKoy, executive director of SHIELD mentor program, brings 17+ years of IT expertise, bridging young women’s aspirations with real-world challenges. Her mentorship transcends technical skills, emphasizing representation in STEM and inspiring underrepresented youth. SHIELD QuantumForce Eagles, a FIRST Robotics team, aims to narrow the gender gap in STEM. Through mentorship, workshops and outreach, we empower young women and girls.



Rebekah LaytonAward Project Lead: Rebekah Layton

Primary Area of Expertise/Specialization: Education

Directory Project Name: Women in Science Promoting Inclusion in Research Experiences (WinSPIRE)
Institution: University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill

WinSPIRE logoProject Bio: WinSPIRE is a paid internship program at UNC-CH that provides woman-identifying and underrepresented gender high-school students with research experience and college preparation to foster their interest in science and provide them with the tools to navigate the college admissions process. Students are mentored by an early-career researcher to undertake an original STEM research project and to participate in lab tours, college preparation/career development activities and professional networking.


Career Development Grants 

Tehya JenaeRecipient Name: Tehya Jenae
Degree Sought: Certificate
Specialization/Project: Nonprofit Management
Institution: University of North Carolina at Greensboro (Greensboro-NC)




SaRanda MurphyRecipient Name: SaRanda Murphy
Degree Sought: Master of Arts
Specialization/Project: ESL and Bilingual Education
Institution: University of Massachusetts-Boston (Boston-MA)




International Fellowships 

Abasiama-Arit-AnicheAward Program Name: International Doctoral Degree Fellowships
Recipient Name: Abasiama-Arit Aniche
Degree Sought: Doctor of Philosophy
Specialization/Project: Leadership, Extension, Sustainable Community Development
Institution: North Carolina State University (Raleigh-NC)



Abasiama-Arit-AnicheAward Program Name: International Master’s/First Professional Degree Fellowships
Recipient Name: Sumudu Thilanka Wijesuriya Arachchige
Degree Sought: Master of Social Work
Specialization/Project: Community, Management and Policy Practice
Institution: University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill (Chapel Hill-NC)