Our new board took the reins on July 1, 2019.
Thank you, Ruth Bader Ginsburg, for adding so much to the lives of American citizens – men, women and children. Rest in peace…
Jane Terwillegar, President
American Association of University Women
of North Carolina
Did you know the North Carolina gender pay gap? Here are the national figures. See also how Charlotte compares to 24 other cities.
What is AAUW doing about it?
Check out our Smart Start and Work Smart salary negotiation workshops — especially the free Work Smart online.
Start at salary.aauw.org
Virginia was the 38th state to ratify the Equal Rights Amendment, but because of an artificial deadline imposed by Congress nearly 20 years ago, the ERA is not yet part of the US Constitution.
There’s a two pronged attack on this deadline:
Watch for updates on this issue that’s long been on the AAUW agenda.
Meeting Date: May 15, 2024 Meeting Time: Meeting Location: ZOOM Board Members Present: Jeanne Smolkin, Mary Ann Bents, Beverly Larson, Laura Tew, Pat Ashe, Sandy…
Meeting Date: April 17, 2024 Meeting Time: Meeting Location: ZOOM Board Members Present: Kathy Pearre, Jeanne Smolkin, Mary Ann Bents, Beverly Larson, Laura Tew, Pat…