AAUW NC Resolution to support NC Teachers, 2014
Specific bills, including the budget, have harmed public education in the state. AAUW members speak out.
Specific bills, including the budget, have harmed public education in the state. AAUW members speak out.
The start of the “virtual packet” of information that attendees collected at the meeting. This will be updated as we release the final copy of the 2013 NCGA Voting Record and AAUW posts additional resources on their website.
[registered form=2 view=names ] NOTE: Click a column heading to sort the results by that column. Summary
Information that’s being sent to all the branch presidents about the March 28-29 AAUW NC meeting in Burlington.
If you have a problem with this online registration form, please download this: printable registration form (PDF) Questions: Agenda and program: Mary Peterson, 252-636-5074, info@aauwnc.org Meeting logistics and registration: Michelle Evans, 919-698-1534, registration@aauwnc.org Online registration: webmaster@aauwnc.org Or 866-525-2155 (toll free)
Each attendee must register using one of the following to let us know their information: Online Paper (mail to address on the form) However, if you are a branch treasurer making payments for those who have already registered a member who has registered but who is making changes you may use this page to make…
What happened? For information on presentations and discussions at the annual meeting, be sure to check the “News” section below, or start with this post: www.aauwnc.org/2014/04/followup-from-the-annual-meeting/ Overview Join us Friday afternoon and Saturday, March 28-29, for the 2014 AAUW NC annual meeting in Burlington. The weekend will center on the theme: A-B-C in AAUW NC:…
The upcoming Tar Heel News will have more information on the April annual meeting of AAUW NC, but here are some of the documents from that meeting.
Here is the text of a resolution that will be brought before the meeting for a vote on Saturday, Apr. 13
Join us at the 2013 AAUW NC annual meeting!