Our new board took the reins on July 1, 2019.
Our new board took the reins on July 1, 2019.
Our new board took the reins on July 1, 2019.
President Mary Peterson, (252) 636-5074, mapeterson2@yahoo.com Finance/Treasurer Denny McGuire, (919) 562-0860, jmcguire11@nc.rr.com VP/ Branch Advocate Sandra McLaurin, (910) 392-0395, scmclaurin@ec.rr.com VP/Communications Karla Atkinson, (828) 884-7648, bardofb@comporium.net Bylaws Committee Chair Lill Van Order, (910) 313-1573, lillvo@earthlink.net Public Policy Team Mary Peterson, Karla Atkinson, Judy Balsanek, Suzanne Rolland, Mari Pino del Rosario, Maggie Parish. Webmaster Nancy Shoemaker,…
JoAnn Taylor Hall (Jacksonville Regional) and Peg Holmes (Hendersonville) have been nominated for two-year terms as AAUW NC treasurer and vice-president, respectively.. The election will be held at the annual meeting on March 29 in Burlington.
Thanks to the branches that have sent in information on their officers. We’ve posted that information at www.aauwnc.org/contacts/branches/ For branches who haven’t sent in the information, that page lists last year’s president. Information about the elected and appointed AAUW NC officers can be found at www.aauwnc.org/contacts/state/ If you have corrections for those two pages, please…
Check members.aauwnc.org for the directory of state and branch officers.
Co-Presidents Cherrie Wheaton, (336) 540-8953, cherriewheaton@gmail.com Jane Terwillegar, (336) 782-5327, jcterwillegar@gmail.com Reach them both: president@aauwnc.org Finance/Treasurer JoAnn Hall, (910) 577-1890, coachjo@embarqmail.com Branch Advocate (Regional Meetings) Diane Schneider, (704) 598-6268, dmschneider@carolina.rr.com Vice President (Membership) Peg Holmes , (828) 274-9280, skitennisquilt@aol.com Secretary/Historian Debra Richardson, dlrmassey@yahoo.com Tar Heel News Editor editor@aauwnc.org Public Policy Chair J. Denny McGuire, (919) 562-0860, jmcguire11@nc.rr.com Laura…
Here’s the group after the July 14 executive committee meeting: Past president Joanne, Program VP Judy, President Nancy, Membership VP Barbara, Secretary Karla, Treasurer Millie. See www.aauwnc.org for contact information.