July 2010 Letter to Branch Presidents
Quick reminders to branch presidents on TODO’s for the start of the new year and a head’s up on the fall meeting.
Quick reminders to branch presidents on TODO’s for the start of the new year and a head’s up on the fall meeting.
Information for the branches on the Branch without Borders and the ways to get involved with AAUW NC leadership.
Connie Gamble Ochse, Communications Team Chair, plans to use the branch communication contacts to keep your branch up to date on important messages that come from AAUW and AAUW NC. Please be sure you’ve reported your branch officers, including the communications folks.
[In AAUW-speak, “communication officer” means newsletter editors, public information folks, and web managers.] A version of this message was sent on June 22. It has been edited based on newer information. Dear AAUW NC Colleagues: You have received this because you are listed as a communication leader for your branch for 2006-2007 or you were…