Help Make Every Vote Count

Voting is indeed a fundamental right for all citizens of North Carolina. Yes, it is indeed a right many of us have exercised for  years as we, the people, select the members elected to various boards, councils, commissions, etc. Additionally, this provides North Carolinians the opportunity to also have a voice in selecting both state…

Sisters of Mine; Hear the Voices

AAUW of North Carolina is thrilled to partner with the Shared Radiance Performing Arts Company to present a video trailer for Sisters of Mine; Hear the Voices. Although the performance along with our Annual Conference had to be cancelled in March, these ladies have worked to record a short video trailer for our enjoyment during…

Come Zoom with Us!

AAUW NC Is Zooming Around! Branches around the state have jumped on the Zoom concept to keep their members engaged and to make plans for the 2020-2021 year. In addition to book groups, several board of directors meetings have been held successfully. Fall programs are in the works for several others. AAUW NC purchased a…

2020 Annual Meeting

All members are invited to join us via Zoom for the 2020 Annual Meeting of AAUW NC. 7 p.m. ET, Wednesday, May 13 Information has been sent to the branch presidents about this, and it was announced in recent issues of Connect. It will have a simple agenda to cover the required business of AAUW NC:…