AAUW NC Is Zooming Around!
Branches around the state have jumped on the Zoom concept to keep their members engaged and to make plans for the 2020-2021 year. In addition to book groups, several board of directors meetings have been held successfully. Fall programs are in the works for several others.
AAUW NC purchased a Zoom account before the end of March, in a rapid reaction to the sheltering-in-place world we have known now for 5 months. In addition to supporting board meetings and committees, the board intentionally sought to provide a valuable service to reach members across the state.
Branches using Zoom include Asheville, Cape Fear, Charlotte, Greensboro, Hendersonville, Orange-Durham-Chatham (ODC), Raleigh/Wake, and Winston-Salem.
The state Zoom account is FREE for branch use, can accommodate up to 100 people per session, and has no time limit. To make a reservation, send an email to vicepresident@aauw.org.
Guidelines for Using AAUW NC Zoom Account
Authorized users include the following branch officers:
Membership VPs
Program VPs
Authorized users may schedule Zoom for branch leadership meetings, membership meetings, and programs/events.
Send requests to vicepresident@aauwnc.org.
Dates and times may be reserved up to 3 months in advance.
Zoom sessions will be scheduled by the AAUW NC Vice President, who will provide a confirmed meeting link and a meeting ID to the branch officer who requested the meeting.
The branch officer requesting the meeting is the person who shares the meeting link with attendees via email or another private channel.
For security purposes, information on how to join a scheduled meeting (link, ID, password) shall not be posted to the website or in any public site.
The AAUW NC host begins each meeting by admitting the branch officer and appointing one or more co-hosts, who then admit participants and conduct the meeting.
When the meeting is finished, the branch co-host informs the AAUW NC host that the event is completed.