The Communications Team is pleased to welcome Gretchen Purgason as our new Tar Heel News editor. Gretchen brings extensive experience in desktop publishing to our state newsletter. With a solid team of copy and layout folks and “roving reporters” behind her, Gretchen will continue to produce an outstanding newsletter. The fall issue of THN was Gretchen’s debut issue.

The web site is now supplemented with a Facebook page. Find the Facebook logo in the right-hand column of and click that to get to the page. The page is visible to those who haven’t joined Facebook and to search engines like Google, so it may help give us some visibility. If you do decide to check out Facebook, look for the “large” AAUW group (just search for AAUW and find the group with 600+ members). There is also a group focused on the AAUW 2009 Convention.

Two papers explain Facebook to AAUW members. These may be especially helpful to branch web managers and newsletter editors. They may be accessed through these links-

  1. and
  2. .

Respectfully submitted by Connie Gamble Ochse, Communications Team Chair