Join us Friday afternoon and Saturday, April 12-13, for the 2013 AAUW NC annual meeting in Burlington. The weekend will center on the theme:
Focus: on AAUW news at all levels,Find: ideas about how to work easier and better within your branch, and
Friendship: renew and make new AAUWNC friends.
- Friday, starting at 3:00 – Presidents’ Council meeting and other timely discussions.
- Friday, 5:30 pm – group dinner at The Village Grill. (You must reserve your place on the registration form by April 5.)
- Friday, 7:30 – 9:00 pm – Wine and Wisdom Conversation
- Saturday, 9:00 – 2:00 – Business meeting, workshops, and more.
- Detailed Agenda
- Proposed bylaws to be discussed Friday, put to a vote on Saturday
- Mail registration: Postmarked by Monday, April 1
- Online registration: By midnight, Thursday, April 4 (if you want to be sure you get Saturday lunch and a seat for Friday dinner — but late/onsite registrations will be accommodated as best we can)
- Hotel reservation: By Friday, March 29 for AAUW rate
- Registration for the annual meeting
- Register online (and then pay online or USmail a check) (no longer available)
- Printable registration (take copies to meetings!)
- Online payment (You shouldn’t need this unless you decide after you register to pay online, or if, for example, you are a branch officer paying for some of your members who have already registered. Please do register before paying!) (no longer available)
- Hotel, local attractions, directions (reserve by 3/29 for AAUW rate)
- Program and general: Mary Peterson
- Registration: Denny McGuire
- Friday evening dinner: Doris Bernlohr
- Toll free (voice mail/FAX): 866-525-2155 (that number has changed)