Thank you all for the hard work you did in various ways to forward the mission of AAUW by raising money to support the many funds that AAUW has. We in NC should be proud of our accomplishments.
AAUW members in NC raised $41,909 up from last year! Our contributions went to the following areas of AAUW.
Association ($3816 raised)
All branches contributed to the association – from cards or address labels or other contributions
Educational Foundation ($29391 raised)
- $29 per capita – up from last year
- 5 branches contributed $29 or more per capita
- 15 other branches contributed
- 1 branch did not contribute to EF
Legal Advocacy Foundation ($5141 raised)
$5 per capita from 10 branches
8 other branches contributed
3 (less than 2006) branches did not contribute to LAF
All contributions to AAUW
$41 (up from $35 in 2006) per capita for total contributions
Where the money went
7 branches contributed to Association, EF, Leadership Training Institute (LTI) and LAF
9 branches to Assoc, EF, and LAF
Thanks to all of you for your hard work in the branches raising money, sending in forms and keeping tabs on all of it. It has truly been a pleasure working with all of you.
At convention we will celebrate the efforts of our fundraising
Please remember to buy raffle tickets for the convention basket raffle and keep working for the cause; equity is still and issue.
Thanks, Lill Van Order, Fundraising AAUW-NC
Totals by Branch for the calendar year 2007 (rounded to nearest dollar)
These figures do not reflect the money raised for local scholarships nor the AAUW-NC 100 club; they are in addition to these