Project: Women’s Suffrage monologues
Awarded to Greensboro Branch to develop a script with monologues suitable for celebrating the centennial of the 19th Amendment in North Carolina in 2020.
Project leader: Sherrie Raeford, owner of Shared Radiance, P.A.C., a production company.
This project will support researching and writing a script for a one-act production to be utilized in various ways during 2020. Primarily, AAUW NC will be planning state-wide activities to celebrate the Centennial of the 19th Amendment. The script will also be made available for NC branches to use with local celebrations, such as fund-raising events, branch meetings, and other occasions. $500 was awarded.
AAUW NC Leadership Institute at the NC Justice Center, Raleigh, NC –
The Leadership Institute’s objective is to bring branch presidents and board members together to learn about key women’s issues in NC at the state and local level from data presented by the Justice Center. The one-day session will teach leaders in AAUW NC how to market our message and take effective action to bring about change. By having the Institute at the Justice Center, board members and branch presidents will learn about the research done at the Justice Center. Another outcome will be closer communication between and among branch presidents and board members. The program will be mutually developed by the co-presidents, board members, and the staff of the Justice Center. A mini-grant of $500 was awarded for the August 26, 2018 event.
Orange – Durham – Chapel Hill Branch requested support for the WomXn of Worth Initiative
The Women of Worth Initiative seeks to sustain a community of support for women of color and underrepresented racial and ethic populations at the University of NC, Chapel Hill. The conference, held on April 14, 2018, will encourage young women to explore finding their space through the arts, entrepreneurship, science and other career areas. The mini-grant of $500 supported the purchase of the book, This Bridge Called My Back: Writings by Radical Women of Color, 4th edition, by Moraga and Anzaldua for the conference attendees.