Audience at the Friday Center

On Friday, April 3, contacts from campuses across the state gathered at the UNC Chapel Hill Friday Center to hear about options for connecting AAUW to their campuses. This event was hosted by Elmira Mangum, UNC Chapel Hill Senior Associate Provost, AAUW College/University Representative for UNC-CH, and AAUW NC College/University Chair. About 35 attendees representing about a dozen campuses heard more about AAUW and its college/university program and how AAUW membership can benefit faculty, staff and students on campus.


1. AAUW Overview – Sheila Bassoppo-Moyo, AAUW NC Membership VP

2. AAUW College/University Partnerships — Elmira Mangum, AAUW NC College/University Chair

3. AAUW Individual Membership Options – Nancy Shoemaker, AAUW NC Past President

4. AAUW Branch Connections — Mary Fran Schickedantz, AAUW NC Past President

5. AAUW Chapel Hill Branch – an example — Kay White, AAUW Chapel Hill President

Links for more information