Convention conflict with Passover, 2008
AAUW NC erred this year in scheduling its convention so close to the start of Passover. This article offers suggestions for future planning committees.
AAUW NC erred this year in scheduling its convention so close to the start of Passover. This article offers suggestions for future planning committees.
Sample news release for branches to use to highlight their participation in the 2008 AAUW NC Convention.
Nonmembers taking advantage of the special rates for Convention registration and 2008-2009 membership, can now register and pay using an online form.
Rooms have been added to the block at the Marriott. Make your hotel reservation by Tuesday, March 18. Call 336-379-8000 to reach the local reservations desk with the best information on room availability.
Early registration deadline for the convention is April 7. Register online now to avoid the $10 late fee.
Members at large are invited to join us at Convention — for the networking, for the news of AAUW, and for the fun!
Anthony Hill, director at large for the Association, will lead us through the training on Saturday afternoon.
Here is the packet that was sent to the branch presidents and other board members. It is posted here for convenience of printing these documents (to hand out at branch meetings or include in branch newsletters), instead of photo-copying them. All members are encouraged to review this material.
This issue contains details about the April 18-19 convention in Greensboro, important information on the AAUW Legal Advocacy Fund, and more. Read the full issue online. You may also register for convention online.
Bring a carload to Greensboro Bring a carload is more than a slogan. The 2008 Convention is not “just for officers.” It’s for everyone. “Why,” you ask. To get ideas from members of other branches. To be energized and inspired about our Mission. To hear and learn from dynamic, knowledgeable speakers. To receive tools for…
The Fall board meeting of AAUW NC approved the budget and the draft program for the 2008 convention. More details will be released soon.