ERA Resolution for the 2013 Annual Meeting
Here is the text of a resolution that will be brought before the meeting for a vote on Saturday, Apr. 13
Here is the text of a resolution that will be brought before the meeting for a vote on Saturday, Apr. 13
Join us at the 2013 AAUW NC annual meeting!
Attendee list for the annual meeting is available to members of AAUW NC.
New bylaws that document the new AAUW NC structure will be presented for approval at the 2013 annual meeting.
You must register using one of the following to let us know that you’ll be coming: Online Paper (mail to address on the form) Payment Type Meeting and Lunch $28.00 USDMeeting Only $15.00 USDLunch Only $13.00 USD Comments: You can use this form to make a payment for multiple people — you’ll be asked for…
[cfdb-datatable form=”2013 Annual Meeting Registration” show=”last-name,first-name,fridaydinner,lunch,dessert” orderby=”last-name,first-name” limit=”150″ dt_options=”bJQueryUI:true, iDisplayLength:300″] NOTE: Click a column heading to sort the results by that column. Friday Dinner: Joining the group: [cfdb-count form=”2013 Annual Meeting Registration” filter=”fridaydinner==Yes, I’ll join the group at the Village Grill, and be there by 5:30″] Not joining group: [cfdb-count form=”2013 Annual Meeting…
The detailed agenda for the annual meeting on April 12 and 13.
Overview Join us Friday afternoon and Saturday, April 12-13, for the 2013 AAUW NC annual meeting in Burlington. The weekend will center on the theme: Focus: on AAUW news at all levels, Find: ideas about how to work easier and better within your branch, and Friendship: renew and make new AAUWNC friends. Agenda Friday, starting at 3:00 -…
Minutes from the Presidents Council (3/30) and the Annual Meeting (3/31).
AAUW NC has voted to urge members to vote against the constitutional amendment that will appear on the May 8 NC primary ballot. Branches are also encouraged to work in other ways to defeat the amendment.