Registered for the 2013 Annual Meeting

[cfdb-datatable form=”2013 Annual Meeting Registration” show=”last-name,first-name,branch,dual-branch” orderby=”last-name,first-name” limit=”150″ dt_options=”bJQueryUI:true, iDisplayLength:300″] Total registered: [cfdb-count form=”2013 Annual Meeting Registration” ] NOTE: Click a column heading to sort the results by that column. Meal choices Name tag/registration information

2012 Annual Meeting for AAUW NC

Overview Join us Friday afternoon and Saturday, March 30-31,  for the 2012 AAUW NC annual meeting in Burlington. Agenda Registration for the annual meeting (please register by 3/15) Register online (and then pay online or USmail a check) (no longer available) Printable registration  (take copies to meetings!) Hotel, local attractions, directions (reserve by 3/16 for…