Decisions from Greensboro Meeting on Sept. 25, 2010
Quick summary of the decisions made at the September meeting in Greensboro. If you want to join one of the working groups, please speak up.
Quick summary of the decisions made at the September meeting in Greensboro. If you want to join one of the working groups, please speak up.
Link to detailed agenda and final reminders about the Sept. 24/25 meeting.
Minutes of the April 17, 2010, meeting of AAUW of North Carolina:
At the spring 2010 convention AAUW NC changed its bylaws so that future meetings will allow all members who attend to vote, rather than using a delegate system.
Speakers at Workshop on WomenNC with AAUW NC leaders.
At the workshop on AAUW Philanthropy
Report on the nominees for officer positions and the 2010-2011 nominating committee.
Here is the convention report from Membership Vice President Sheila Bassoppo-Moyo: Membership Report for 2009-2010
Report on the 2009-2010 program year and the beginnings of a plan to address the challenges AAUW NC is facing.
Agendas for the Friday board meeting and Saturday annual meeting as well as complete convention program and other background information.