Presentation on the AAUW IT Techs Project, 2008
Here is the presentation John Hoffler used at the AAUW NC 2008 Summer Meeting to explain the new state project.
Here is the presentation John Hoffler used at the AAUW NC 2008 Summer Meeting to explain the new state project.
AAUW Educational Foundation board member Garfein spoke to the attendees at the AAUW NC summer meeting about recent changes in AAUW and those that are planned for 2009.
Here are the highlights of the messages we delivered from the booth at Women’s Advocacy Day at the NC Legislative Building on June 18, with links to free downloads.
A “virtual packet” for the discussions at the Asheville board meeting that Nancy Shoemaker visited in March.
Information on AAUW resources.
Kristen Galles spoke to the NCCU Women’s Law Caucus on her experiences as a Title IX attorney and related topics. Read a summary of the talk, see pictures, find links to handouts, and learn how to join AAUW on the NCCU campus.
Here are the slides that Mary Peterson and Sheila Bassoppo-Moyo used at the presentation to 27 Community College Student Government Association student leaders on Friday, Nov. 2, in Raleigh.
AAUW has an ad in the program for the annual meeting of the North Carolina National Organization for Women. Here are the links mentioned in that ad, along with some additional resources.